Let me just break down my day:
Woke up, coffee, cereal. Justin had received an awesome turn table for Christmas from hi parents, but unfortunately it had technical difficulties.....it was a bitch and refused to work. There, I said it. So we had to ship that off via UPS, and since we live in a little po-dunk town, we had to drive 30 to outter Memphis to find an open store. We mailed that off then went to Target. We were going to get 1 hour photo and get a few of our wedding pictures printed off (we have some nice frames picked out) and walk around the store and see what there was to see. Well, my bad, this Target didn't have a photo center! (Guess I must have been thinking of the SuperTarget...oh well.) Luckily, there is a Walgreen next door. So I got a Starbucks (tall....thank you) and we walked a round, bought a few things on clearance (some Christmas ornaments, a few dvds). We dropped off our pictures at Walgreens, I got a little frustrated with the machine, Justin calmed me down (like he always does) and all was good. We went across the street for lunch at Bahama Breeze (my parents gave us a giftcard for Christmas!) and it was yummy. I can confidently say I did well at lunch. I only ordered water (although I was DYING to have a fruity alcoholic drink), have the portobello mushroom burger....mostly without the bread! And a bit more than half my french fries. Justin ate his entire order. Even the plate. Jk.
We made a quick stop through Goodwill, and then headed home. Made a stop at Kroger for a few lemons, limes, and dish washer detergent. So low and behold, when we checked the mail and I had that delivery notice, I raced across to the office before they closed! I snacked on a few chocolates when I got home, my friend Becky stopped by with her dog to say hello. But when she left, and Justin went to work, it was TIME!

I wrote down my weight and measurements....I remember when all these number were smaller in just 2011...man I've let myself go!
I opened my slim in 6 set...I was so excited. I did the first workout right away! I felt great! I felt so wonderful after I finished...the whole time I was working out, even though it was hard, and hurt some, and wasn't easy, I kept thinking: "This is for me. I am doing this for me. This is time for ME!"
After I showered, I was feeling so good that I made some cucumber salad. I cut up 2 cucumbers, some white onion, red pepper, and black olives. I even made my own dressing for it! I didn't combine it all, I didn't it to get soggy, so I just added whatever I needed to my own serving. The dressing recipe is here. I also added some of the italian seasoning to it. I thought it was yummy!!
So now, here at the end of the first true day, I feel good. Very good. I may have let myself go....but I'm bringing myself back. Sexy back. ;)
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